Angelini Organics

Steeped in ancient tradition, old world knowledge, myth and spirit, the art of scent, the far reaching mysteries of the olfactory, healing and balancing body, mind spirit and psyche collectively, unfold and take form in Ao (Angelini Organics) 
"For centuries, people have taken what seems to be an instinctive pleasure in rubbing scents into their skin. Perfume has helped them to pray, to heal, and to make love. And as long as there has been perfume, there have been perfumers, or rather the priests, shamans, and apothecaries who were their predecessors"...


In the tradition of the ancient art of scent, ritual, alchemy, science, chemistry, aromatics, herbal plant medicine and perfumery angelini organics has evolved 
A beautiful luxurious practitioner curated range, holistically formulated with influence and foundation stemming from traditional french schooled aromatherapy and perfumery techniques and formulations
... exquisite natural perfumery creations ...
... luxury organic artisan botanical skincare (skinfood) ...
... access to truly beautiful quality certified organic practitioner grade essential oils ...


inspired by the beauty of nature and  the divinity of the senses 
incorporated with the art of the interwoven tapestry of life, interlaced with memories of the mystic, of myth, of magic and an ethereal timelessness that only the olfactory realms conjure like art unto itself 
...delectable earthly delights ... 